Wednesday, 8 July 2009

temple of calm

Woot. After sharing a couple of nights in the airbed with my sister and the 5k walk I have felt really drained. Like zero energy. But pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and voila. Went out like a light last night. Up bright and early this morning. Had some breakfast and hung out a load of washing. Now theres a story....

There were local council men cutting all the old peoples gardens on those ride along lawn mower mobile contraptions. One of them were looking over the fence into the garden as I was pegging out my ginormous undesirable bridget jones type the size of a table cloth knickers. He looked at the knickers, he looked at me, I looked at him. I went crimson, he smiled. Awkward. So then I just had to continue pegging out the washing on the line while he continued to watch. I stalked into the house embarrassed. To find the washing machine is now broken and leaking water.... big knickers swiftly forgotten.

Drama in the house... my brother is taking his driving test today and was rushing round in a blind panic snapping at everyone because hes misplaced his forms and license.

I am a temple of calm. CALM. Though amazon and the bank are gonna get a mouthful from me later. But thats another angry story and I am a temple of calm who is going to go exercise and shower and be calm.


Fat[free]Me said...

LOL - I can hear your teeth gritting!

(heck, no way do the big knickers go out on the line, they dry under the cover of darkness indoors and then get hidden away under lock and key - the pretty panties, thongs, lacey doo-dahs are all that get put out for public display, only for show, mind, they are killers to wear)

Apex Zombie said...

Breathe in serenity, exhale murderous rage. :D

Lizzie said...

lmao hilarious!!! You're like a real life Bridget!!

Been meaning to say all week but couldnt get on your blog at work on account of 'banned keywords' according to my firewall!! But.... WELL DONE for your race for life! FUN OR WHAT!? I loved it and i am still buzzing!

Now go get amazon and the banK!!


big_mummy said...

big knickers belong in the tumble drier lol.

chin up, you are a temple of calm after all

Unknown said...

lol I can see you out there hanging up your undies! hehe :)

Carlos said...

i say lose it snap and get people to fear you

M said...

I love how you ended this post! LOL

Katie said...

I have nothing of substance to add here, but I keep meaning to tell you that it always makes me so happy to read your blog because I LOVE the differences in the ways you term things (the different use of language between the US and UK).

Mary :: A Merry life said...

Temple of calm.

Temple of calm.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Breathe in. Breathe out.


Julie said...

Too funny!!

antgirl said...

Let it out. I think you'll find it exhilerting. I think rage burns calories ... lots of calories.

Ugh! I've had tussles with Amazon. Tell them all to go to bloody hell and then some. Want help? :-D

Afterward I'll teach you a mudra to bring back the temple of calm. lol

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

I adore you Simone! Next time some dude is eyeing your knickers push that chin up and spout something sexy, witty, and sarcastic all at once. Then laugh your ass off at him when HIS face turns a pretty shade of pink :)