Sunday 27 September 2009

Things are a changing...

Today was a huge reminder of why I need and want to lose weight.

I went shopping with my flatmate. It was an experience. I was reminded how I don't fit into all those pretty clothes, how I only ever wear like 5 different items of clothing because that is all I feel comfortable in and because I refuse to buy clothes in this size or bigger. I felt angry at myself because this weight loss journey has reached a stand still and I had stopped really caring. I was disgusted at how those clothes were practically three times smaller than what I was wearing. Today I really felt fat.

Also for the first time in a long time I got thigh chaffage and a frickin' blister on my foot. More reminders of just how fat I am. It made me slightly miserable. I have stop feeling that way and feeling fucking sorry for myself and JUST DO IT.

Looking back over the pictures of my visit to London at the weekend I noticed my double chin is more prominent than ever. Bah. I did, however, have an awesome time in London (for tose of you who saw my facebook photos will know)

So in order to create some positive momentum I got myself some new gym shoes.
Tomorrow is gym time. No more excuses, just doing. Well at least while I am feeling positive.


big_mummy said...

wooohoooo more tales of gym hotties coming our way!! yay

Anonymous said...

Way to get back in gear!! I've been slacking too, and I was thinking today how miserable I was at hubby's xmas party last year. I'm only 16lbs less then that, and that's not enough!! It's around the corner again!! Let's kick some butt!!! Tomorrow is treadmill time for me too =)

Beth @ Kitchen Minions said...

I hate HATE Chaffing! The worst! Can't wait to hear about the gym, great that you are getting back to it!

Learning to be Less said...

Girl you can do it! Next year at this time you will not feel this way. Let us know how the gym is!

KrysTros said...

WTG nothing like buying yourself some new workout gear to feel better about working out! You can do it, and when you feel like you can't, blog and ask us for support!

jo said...

Oh, I would so totally buy those shoes! Cute!

Go forth and be positive--cheering you on!

Fat Daddy said...

All right...let's start wearing those kicks out.

Shopping can be depressing for sure.

M said...

Hey Simone :) Even if you dont feel like going to the gym tomorrow, as your mind is telling you all kinds of excuses, just start getting ready to go and then actually go. Let your mind do the talking and your body do the walking :)

Aimee said...

aw, you'll be kicking ass in that gym very soon. :)

Aliana said...

Like the shoes!

Good to hear you had a good time.

Chrissie said...

Congratulations on the new shoes - they look great!
Just wanted to let you know that I passed on the Honest Scrap award to you today... if you already had it, sorry, I must have missed it! I really admire you for putting yourself out there the way you do, and finding motivation in your own depression. Please stop by my blog to pick up the award image!

LAF said...

Love the shoes!

arielcircleofnine said...

I would totally have picked those sneaks too...the color is great. Hope you kicked butt at the gym and spotted a couple of new hotties!

Debby said...

Love the shoes. I love anything pink!!!

Shopping sucks. I was mortified last time I was over there as I got a hole in my jeans. I couldn't find any in my size there. I was too embarassed to ask anyone who sold fat clothes. I always felt I was the fattest person there...fat American's...ya know? Keep working at your program and you'll be shopping in the skinny section!

Chaffing sucks!!! Baby diaper rash cream works really well. Over here, it's Desitin. It's thick and white and icky, but it heals the heck out of raw, red spots! That was the first thing I learned in college! Thank God there was another fat girl on my floor to teach me.