Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Exciting times!

'Sup y'all?

I am officially back on track. Got a little competition with my friend. Going to visit Sarah (big_mummy) soon. Also I have moved back to my parents house. Yep. Couldn't afford to live in the awesome city that is Manchester. I kinda felt a lil lonely there too. Who knows what this move will do to my weight loss... we will see.

However, I am in a great frame of mind. Maybe I needed a change. Thanks for the kind and arse kicking comments of the last post. Needed them :D you guys rock. Hopefully I can now catch up with you guys!


Unknown said...

rock on my far away friend! have sarah make you some popcorn- tell her I said so. lol :) xoxo

Emily said...

Good luck living with your parents... do you have a real bed this time or still the blow up mattress?
Great news that you are back on track. :o) you go girl!

M Pax said...

<3 S'up, UK That Girl! Glad to hear you being so up and on.

Mmmm, Tj said popcorn.

Mr.s Gokey said...

Glad to hear you are back on track!

Learning to be Less said...

So are you home because school is out? Will you go back? Can you keep blogging?

Tell me you will keep blogging. Miss you. I cannot wait to see how this competition turns out!

Find my way back said...

Welcome back!!!

arielcircleofnine said...

welcome back wild-fluffy!! missed you. Hope that your ontrackness and good frame of mind keep right on!!