Monday, 21 June 2010

Motivational Monday

Today was my first day back on super track. Taking charge of this weighty wagon! It feels so good. I did everything right. Water. Steps. Exercise. Food.

I FEEL GREAT. I really cannot stress that enough. The sun was shining and I spent most of the day working on my new vegetable patch! Man, gardening is hard work. Everyone thinks it will not work, that I will give up on it BUT MY VEGGIE PATCH IS HERE TO STAY. :D It was surprisingly hot. I had to crack out the suncream.

Also before the gardening I wore a beautiful turquoise skirt that Sarah gave me. It's long and floaty and I felt pretty. So a good day all round :D


Scuttleboose said...

YAYY today is day one for my back on track path, too! Let's sure that we keep each other motivated, eh? :) Good luck!

Katie J ♥ said...

I am going to be on you like white on rice to keep this up young lady. Let's make this a YEAR to remember k?

Alexia said...

photo of you in that skirt?! please?
love that you're gardening.

Emily said...

That's so awesome! My dad has a vegetable garden outside. It's so inspiring to eat food you've grown yourself. :)

arielcircleofnine said...

your post made me smile. post pics of those veggies when they sprout!

Learning to be Less said...

I love to hear you like this. Awesome!!! It is important to feel pretty too so way to go Sarah.