Thursday, 2 July 2009

advice and early mornings...

Today I was wide awake at 5am!!! Could not go back to sleep which made me really sad. I love to frickin' sleep. I need like 9 hours minimum to function like a sloth. I don't know if I mentioned it but I'm staying with the family over the summer til uni starts up. And its driving me insane. I really can't take any more. My sister is being an absolute bitch. I have to share an airbed with her. We both don't have a bedroom. So we're sharing the lounge. It's a fucking nightmare. She goes out of her way to cause trouble. Infact last night she reduced me to tears. The stress is driving me up the wall. So this morning I channelled the stress into an early morning walk. I tried to be quiet. But its hard when its all open plan. She went mental at me. Infact right now as I am writing this she is screaming at me. My mam again is defending her. Sorry, this sounds like a pity party but I just want to note it down incase my food esculates into some giant binge. Because really all I feel like doing is eating lots and lots and lots of icecream....

On a more positive note the pretty pictures are from my walk. It's around 6am ish. Super early. Really enjoyed the walk, didn't even notice that I'd been stung by nettles! I also used several bloggers words of advice while I was walking. From Dina.... I carried something to protect myself. You never who you'll meet in the woods! My mantra switched from between sweat, hydrate, repeat courtesy of Carlos. And I love my arms I can feel them shrinking from Mizfit. It was super hot and the sun was kissing my skin. My stretch marks were dazzling like diamonds!!!But again it was too hot to cover up so I thought fuck it. I almost melted. But I did 3km so I was pretty happy. I realised why I never enjoyed walking lots, it was because I used to chafe like mad. I noticed over the last week I have not chafed at all on any one walk. So I am taking that as my huge ginormous thighs are actually starting to shrink. This cheers me.


Anonymous said...

I love walking, especially in the mornings when it's quiet and some animals might still be out. It's not usually hot here, though it was warm last week and I couldn't stop and rest because of mosquitos. It's rare that I even wear shorts, but today I am, it may hit 80s.

Apex Zombie said...

That sunflower sculpture is just fantastic :)

Nice job on the walk! Glad to hear it was a good one :)

Sorry about the sister... not fun at all.

big_mummy said...

walking first thing in the morning is one of my biggest pleasures in life. no cars around, just quiet and then the world starts walking up around you. LOVE it.

not long till race for life!

sorry you are putting up with shit at the moment, if only we lived closer / i was more entertaining you could have come to stay for a week!

Cole Walter Mellon said...

I got up extra early today, too. Went to let dogs out, but they had already crapped all over the place. So.... I pretended not to notice and went to get in early-morning workout instead.

Morning exercise ain't exactly my cuppa, but it does get it outta the way.

Carlos said...

shrinking thighs are good!

Katie J ♥ said...

Sorry about your sucky sister. That is just wrong but I am glad you opted to go on the walk. Thanks for sharing the pics and are you nervous about the race?

M said...

Boy do I know what youre going through! When I was visiting home last month, it was overwhelming because my sister was always starting fights and my parents would either not get involved or defend her. It was kind of heartbreaking to me, as they hadnt seen me in 3 years! Anyways, Im sorry youre going through it now but I love that you walked it off. I would just go eat chips and dip. See how well you're doing! :)

antgirl said...

That does sound stressful. Consider 5 a.m. your revenge. LOL

Excellent on the shrinking thighs. Your pictures are lovely.

I ended up getting up earlier than usual today, too. Maybe something is in the air ...

Or this switching back and forth from day and night has me completely messed up.

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

I love the pics.

I love that instead of killing your family or drowning in a pint of ben and jerry's you got out and walked, the early morning is so silent and makes for beautiful, peaceful walks.

I'm so very proud of you right now Simone. Like, overflowing proud!

F. McButter Pants said...

Maybe your sister doesn't want you to succeed. She can see you're trying to improve your life, and she is stuck in Shitsville.

I am so sorry that your home is filled with all that negative energy.

Are you going to let her derail your efforts and all your hard work....I say HELL THE TO THE NO!!

Don't give her the satisfaction. I know you can make it thru this!


arielcircleofnine said...

love those early morning pics, and that you turned your sister going mental at you into motivation to move those shrinking thighs even more!!! Rock it baby!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm so jealous of your morning walks. Those are some great pics! :)