Saturday, 4 July 2009

moving past miserable....

Yesterday I did nothing. I lay on the couch, watched the tennis and felt super sorry for myself. So sorry for my fat self that I didn't even want to blog about it because of course that would naturally mean I would have to get up off the couch.

It was several different things. The crappy July rain. The fact I haven't walked enough for my 5k walk tomorrow. The scales weren't moving. Family stress. BAH. Just felt like the whole world was against me. Well not today people. Moany Simoney is not here, I left her comfortably in the yesterday.

Actually I did something half productive... though you can see from the picture its not the best. Big_Mummy directed me to a meatball and sauce recipe and since I haven't 'cooked' in forever. I figured why not? Like all of my cooking attempts it doesn't look so good but actually doesn't taste so bad. The family did laugh at the meatballs....they ended up kinda more square.

Nervous and apprehensive about the 5k tomorrow. I keep saying to myself as long as I complete it I will be happy but in all honesty I'm just hoping for more people unfitter than me so I don't come in last. I really should have walked more these last couple of weeks but it's too late to change that now so no point dwelling. I would like to thank TJ and Big_Mummy for sponsoring me. Seriously, you guys didn't have to and I appreciate it alot. (some of my friends here couldn't even sponsor me a pound) I've almost hit my target so I am pretty chuffed.

Right I have to go do lots of stuff :D while I'm in such a better mood.

p.s The scales have finally been hidden. And won't come out til Mondays weigh in. It's weird waking up and not checking the scales. My mam thinks I am obsessed and wants me to go to the nurse... thats another post waiting to happen.


F. McButter Pants said...

You are going to rock that 5k tomorrow. Just think positive. You can do it, I am sure of it.

How funny your mam wants you to see a nurse about your weighing obession. I'm sure it's not funny to you though.

Hang tough, summer will be over soon!

Danielle said...

There is always someone fatter out there somewhere. I struggled with that when I started going back to the gym last year. After watching the gym patrons for a couple of months I realized there were people like me, and even worse off than me. All the time.

You will be fine doing the 5k... just because you haven't walked "enough" doesn't mean you won't be able to make it through. Give yourself credit for enrolling in the walk, and now following through and DOING IT! YEAH!

Julie said...

You are going to rock the 5k!!

Your food pic looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

Good luck and have fun at your 5K!!

Dinner does look good!Give yourself some credit ;)

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

Just enjoy the 5K! Seriously! That kind of walk deserves the view to be enjoyed, and from the pics you posted recently, it's quite a view!

Also, my hubby took the scale out for WI, then promptly hid it again. He even threatened to "lose" it for a few weeks if I didn't shut up because I was bugging him about it all week.

arielcircleofnine said...

good luck on the 5k. i'll be thinking about you, and we are all with you!

Mary :: A Merry Life said...

The 5k will be great. You will rock it.

jo said...

Have FUN and enjoy that 5K!!!


antgirl said...

You might get some sore feet, but you're going to finish the 5k. You're going to do great.

Your sauce looks pretty yummy.

M said...

Does your mom realize the nurse will probably weigh you as well?

Girl, youre so ready for that 5k! I would have sponsored you had I known how, dammit!!

Katie J ♥ said...

I am impressed and inspired that you are doing it! That is a goal of mine that I have yet to make happen. Good for you for following through and moving forward and you will do just fine :-) Cheers!

Lisa said...

You can do it! I am proud of you! I only "talk" about doing the 5k thing!

Apex Zombie said...

I'm totally down to do the C25K once I get better :) Don't feel like you have to wait though!

Also, I hope the 5k went well!