Thursday, 9 July 2009

surprise surprise

Well yesterday did not go calmly! Just before lunch my period surprised me. (I've been having lots of problems with it and pretty much turns up when it likes... on time... 3-6 weeks late it doesn't care) however I had no telltale signs it was approaching. SURPRISE. As the cramps kicked in. Just came on so frickin' sudden. Just when I had mustered some energy my body just wanted to scream out fetal position NOW fetal position NOW. I did manage to have some calorie counted delicious chocolate later to calm me down but before that I had to phone amazon, and the bank. It took two calls to Amazon. One lady didn't understand my English. ENGLISH. The next one called me Simon.After I repeatedly had to confirm my name. SIMONE. SIMONE. SIMONE. SEE-MOAN not SIGH-MUN. That's when I snapped. They told me they couldn't redeliver and would have to refund me the money and re order the book. She told me to calm down. *deep breath* and the bank went a lot smoother, maybe they could sense the surprise period wrath. *deeeeeep breath* sorry rant over.

Feeling much more positive. Calmer. It did feel good to be angry My brother passed his driving test so he got to chose how to celebrate (my sisters returning today too) so tonight we're going out for a family meal. My brother has picked a pretty delicious pub/restaurant and with not weighing in daily I can't gauge where I am. Am I on for a loss? stay the same? Gain? This is the first time that not having the scale at my disposal is kinda of bugging me. I felt the other day my belly was shrinking but since the period arrived I am all up in the air. I don't want to over worry or stress myself to death about it but it is niggling at the back of my mind.

we'll see how it goes...


big_mummy said...

youll be fine, just made good choices and it will be fine. Light breakfast and lunch would help too just in case you under guess.

oh and stay away from the g&t!

Apex Zombie said...

While we're trying to lose weight, the focus isn't just on the weight, right? It's also about creating good habits, sticking to it, and seeing it through no matter what the outcome (at least to me). So try not to focus on whether or not you might be on for a gain, focus on the process, so even if there is a gain it's easier to do the things you need to do.

~PakKaramu~ said...

Pak Karamu reading and visiting your blog

jessi said...

I'm generally not a tolerant person when it comes to bad customer service . . . it is something i need to work on . . . so go you!

i agree with everyone here about dinner . . . just pick somethig that you feel is a good choice and go with it!

Unknown said...

I hate calling places to complain- especially when it doesnt go MY way! lol

Pick wisely tonight for dinner- Sounds like a fun evening! :) ENJOY!

Sorry about the TOM pain :( I can totally relate!!!

jo said...

Sorry about the phone calls--frustrating. Maybe the person you were talking to was thinking about Simon Cowell. lol That is what popped into my head when I read Simon. Wouldn't it have been fun to turn it into Simon Cowell mode and have some fun with the, er, nice lady? tee hee

About the scale--if you're having issues with the scale, I know you want to monitor when you go out to eat. That makes sense to me. But because it's period time? Forget it! It's water weight time. Don't worry about the scale, enjoy good choices at the pub tonight, and just relax! =)

Fat[free]Me said...

I HATE ringing call centres!

I agree with FLG, time to practice your good habit skillz and choose wisely. I have adopted a habit of looking everywhere but at the tempting bits of food in front of me - seems to work somehow (but everyone now thinks I have terrible astigmatism).

Yeah and lay of the G&Ts or you will get the munchies!

Oh, and congrats to your bro!

antgirl said...

You don't need a scale to tell you how you should behave and what is a wise choice. :) Wise choices can taste good. They certainly feel good.

Your hormonal fluctuations should improve as you lose weight. That's something to look forward to.

I found an intake of soy everyday to be helpful, too.

Ugh! Taking care of that crap [the phone calls] is like sticking needles in the eye. They know that, too. I think that's why it is the way it is, Simon. LOL Just teasing.

Star said...

Well I dont know what kind of book you're looking for but you may want to try the are associated with ebay except u dont bid on books the sellers list them for various prices based on the condition of the book, they even have taxtbooks (whic I have bought and returnd to my student bookstore and ended up getting more back for them than I paid) they also have movies and video games. It might make your life a wee bit easier than amizon and you might just save some moola.

p.s. no I dont work for