Sunday, 5 July 2009

woohoo I did it and I was no where near last!

Well I did it. 5km in 1 hour 8 minutes! Though I'm happy with the time I have a few qualms about it ( some of the walk I was stuck behind people because it wasn't wide enough to over take and also there was a massive fucking hill). It was such an emotional day for me even though I don't really know any one who's suffering from cancer or died from it so I did it for every lady who was unlucky enough to get breast cancer. But it was emotional because I did it. And I had only been managing 3k in an hour the rest of the week. It just felt so good to pass the line. Boy was I knackered!! LOL took a big nap when I got home.

Also it said showers and I ended up really bad sunburnt. But another none scale victory this week I bought a new pink top for the race and it was ONE size smaller. Which gave me an extra buzz. No blisters, no chafing and no stitch. woot. Those are all huge positives I've taken away from the race. I kept a really good stride. And my family were so proud of me it was just amazing to see them at the finish line. My sister was actually super supportive this time and her, dad and my mam all cried when I finished. I met my 100 pounds fund raising target which was really cool.

One thing that absolutely infuriated me was a few of my friends. Besides you awesome bloggers, only three of my friends wished me good luck. I can look past the none sponsoring but it kinda upset me that something I see as a major event in my life and they can't even be a tiny bit supportive. Especially one friend in particular who harps onto me every single day about how important friendship is. Gargh.


big_mummy said...

hell yeh you rocked it!! GO YOU! i only came online to see how you did so im gonna go have a bath now and catch you tomorrow. you did so welL!!

M said...

Good friends seem harder and harder to find lately. Most of my friends dont come around unless theres something in it for them, its very upsetting so I know what you mean, they should have been waaaay more supportive.

However, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! You were so unsure of yourself the week prior to the event and look how well you did!

Julie said...

WOOHOO!!! YOU DID IT!! Yay, I am so excited for you.

I wish I could run... I just am too self conscious to even have a go at it.

I get the friends thing. I would have the same story played out with mine. So frustrating but the ones that are around you and support you are the keepers.

Cole Walter Mellon said...

You did it!

That's quite an accomplishment, girl.

Laughing Girl said...

Congrats sweetheart, I am so very proud of you. My Dad died of Cancer when I was younger, it was the reason we moved from England back to Canada (did I ever mention I grew up in England because my Dad was a Brit?)... Cancer is the main charity I do any work for.. I am so grateful for people like you who walk/run in these events even though cancer has never touched them or their relatives.. you're amazing!

Katie said...

You did such a great job! Congratulations!

F. McButter Pants said...

There was no luck to it. I LNEW you could it! So happy for you and for the impact the day on your family too. Way to go! So many positives to take fromthe day. I am jealous!

So glad to was better then you expected.........

Anonymous said...

Congrats chicky!!! So proud of you!!!

TitanThirteen said...

You go girl!! That's sooooo awesome! Screw your 'friends'. Let's form a mob and hunt them down?

Lisa said...

Way To Go!!!! I am so proud of you!!!

Mary :: A Merry Life said...

Woohoo! Good job on the walk!

Don't be too hard on your friends. This may be a huge thing to you but they might not realize that. Or they may have forgotten to say good luck. Don't start hating for no reason. Every friend cant show enthusiasm every time. This was a huge achievement for you. There should be NOTHING negative in your post at all!

All that said, you go girl!

Katie J ♥ said...

That is fantastic! Sometimes I agonize big time over things and then once I do it's like "Hey that wasn't so bad"

My mum is a Breast Cancer suvivor and it is people like you that help save lives. Quite an awesome accomplishment my dear.

Fat[free]Me said...

Woo-hoo! Well done you! I know what you mean about feeling emotional - those back messages really got to me and so many people all with one cause made me well up a lot too.

You did well to raise 100 smackers too - that is fantastic!

LOL at the friends - so many of mine didn't actually believe I would complete it - grrr! And I was also amazed at how many were subsequently amazed and congratulated me loads when I have been walking 5k several times a week without congrats anyway, lol!

Now, when do you do the 10K, huh?

Apex Zombie said...

WOOOOT! Awesome stuff, yo! Much congratulations! :) Absolutely fabulous.

It sucks that not all your friends wished you luck. Just remember that people aren't perfect and sometimes make mistakes.

But forget all that, you kicked arse! And next year you'll beat that time easy, AND you'll be all trained up! :)

jo said...

Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you and so proud of you! You look as cute as a button in the photo!

I'm sorry about your friends. I've got a theory about friends: You have friends for different things: they are supportive in different ways, and sadly, that means they might not be supportive what what's very important.

I don't discuss health or weight loss with my friends because a weird thing happens--I don't know if it's jealousy or what, but it usually doesn't work out well. That's why we blog, right? To find friends online who "get it" and support us 100%.

Way to go, you!!!

Carlos said...

way to kick ass simone!

SeaShore said...

You rock!! Wow! 5k in 68 minutes, I'm impressed. I could not do that at this point. I'm so proud of you!

Congrats on the size smaller shirt too. That must feel pretty sweet.

PS - Next time wear sunscreen, even if it's cloudy! :)

Franny said...

I had to de-lurk and shout out my congratulations. I'm new to your blog, but I know this was a huge accomplishment for you! Way to go!

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

Lord almighty I'm gettin teary eyed. So proud of you girl, so very proud. You did it and quite well I might, not that I didn't think you would. Love the pink shirt too and yay for smaller sizes!