Saturday, 11 July 2009

A day for running?

I only ever run on the spot, just for stuff like the wii fit and sports active. And it seems like a great calorie burner. The only thing is I can't do it for long and I hate doing it in public. But last night when I was walking the dog alone in the scary scary woods I did a lil bit of running. Small bursts. And although it left me puffing like a frickin' steam engine I felt really really good about it. By the time me and the dog made it home we were cream crackered. (knackered) :D

On another positive running note FLG and Mary both want to do the couch to 5k with me. FLG posted about it ages ago and I wanted to try and do it for the charity thing but never stepped up. When FLG feels better (he got an icky cold but not swine flu) we're going to do it. I think its cool that we're doing it as a group because then we can compare the stages and how its working out and stuff. Support is the way forward. Any one else wanna do it? More the merrier.

We went for lunch the other day (instead of dinner) to celebrate my brother passing his driving test (pretty cool 'cause he loves driving he offers to take me places... not soooooooo good for his w.loss plans though) and I did not make the right decisions. Nope. You think that posting about it, talking it over, knowing there are healthier options would solve half the problem. NO. I still ended up going in there with the fuck it mentality. The 'I've been really good all week one ginormous fatty meal won't hurt, I'll work it right off' attitude. That's a sucky attitude right there.
I thought doing the 5k walk in just over an hour would cover my back. Then my period arrived although a shock to the system I had only one day of pain, minor cramps and then nothing. No heavy bleeding as usual. Kinda scary but it means I didn't have the excuse not to work out. And I have worked out. I have walked. I have stepped.

It does not feel like enough. I thought I felt like I had lost this week but alas now I am fearing again. And yes, sadly, today (even after yesterdays attempt to diss the scale) I miss the scale. I miss knowing which way it is going. I hate this uncertainty of wondering and waiting for frickin' Monday to arrive....

But right now I am going to burn those shitty feelings off with a small but energetic run/jog/walk. YEAH. TAKE THAT SHITTY ATTITUDE.


Anne H said...

Life without the scale...Mine went away long ago.

Fat[free]Me said...

Hey, good news on the running - it seriously helps a lot with the weight loss - so keep it up and do some more and monday's weigh in will show gret results!

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

You make me smile, I absolutely adore you!

Unknown said...

kick that shitty attitude to the curb sista! :) hehe

Anonymous said...

I followed the couch to 5K program for a bit. It actually did improve my running skills, which was pretty much nil. I didn't stick with it long because I just don't think running is my thing. I am thinking about giving it another go here is a bit. Maybe. Good luck with it!


Danielle said...

Eh. You are right that one meal won't hurt you... but it is that kind of shit that got ME in trouble in the first place. It was one meal, one day, one month... on and on.

I struggle with "fuck it" because this weight loss thing is not easy!!

If you keep this running/walking up it will pay off.

SeaShore said...

Good for you for taking a shot at c25k!

F. McButter Pants said...

Kick that attitudes ass!

Since I don't count calories or points I always get alittle freaked out on scale day. Still having trouble with having confidence in my choices. I wish I didn't have to weigh, or that it didn't matter so much to me. Most times it doesn't, except WI day.

You make me smile too! Keep your chin up FRIEND!

antgirl said...

One day at a time. One day those righteous thoughts will turn into doing.

I'm impressesd with the running thing. I think you can judge how it's going without the scale. You know whether you're being better not. Yes? :) It's consistent better choices and behavior that you want.

Learning to be Less said...

One meal is not the end of your journey. The running does burn like 3 times the number of calories as walking. This I have learned so while I hate running, I do it for the burn. And the intervals are good. Just keep up with that and add a little more each time. But perhaps somewhere other than the scary, scary woods.

Apex Zombie said...

So looking forward to doing the C25K with y'all! I'll probably have to take another week before I'm 100%. So not this Monday coming (i.e. tomorrow for me), but the Monday after (20th of July) is when I'll be starting. But seriously, don't feel like you have to wait for me. If you're jonzing to run, go for it! :)

Mary :: A Merry Life said...

Eh, you dont need a scale! Screw the scale!

I'm excited about c25k.