Friday, 10 July 2009

life with out the scale

In an attempt to not miss checking my scales 10 to hundred times a day (since my mother has well and truely hidden it... did attempt a sneaky look for it but did not prevail) I am making a list of all the none positives I do not need a scale to tell me. so here goes....

1. My body is 10 times more healthier than when I started in January.

2. I am now on the last notch of my belt. I had to have three extra holes punched into it.

3. My thighs are at least 3 inches smaller (according to the last measuring)

4. It is no longer an embarrassing struggle to tie my shoe laces.

5. When I look down I can no longer see my belly stick out further than my boobies.

6. My favourite hoody is now hanging off me and can only be worn around the house :D

7. My body no longer actively protests to exercise. In fact a lot of the time it bloody well enjoys it.

8. The top half my body now enjoys at least a one size smaller in the clothes department

9. I feel great for losing what I've lost so far

10. I enjoy the healthier food and how it makes me feel.


big_mummy said...

kudos to it all!!! GO YOU! who needs scales anyway- pffft

(clings protectively and whispers reassuring thoughts to my scales)

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

Awesome! I never could ditch the scale, but I love your assessment of what's changed. Great job!

Apex Zombie said...

That is just freaking awesome! I'm loving that list! So many great things to be proud of! Belt notches are a particular fave of mine.

Keep it up, yo! Kicking ass!

Danielle said...

Yes! Boobs should stick out further than the stomach! Unfortunately for me, mine are shrinking faster than any other part of my body.

Yup. That was today's toomuchinformation report.

F. McButter Pants said...

#5 was my favorite! Glad mum hid the scales. All the things you listed are awesome. This is not just about what that DAMN scale says anyway!

Great psot!

Cole Walter Mellon said...

Glad you finally learned to tie your shoelaces. I know that's been a struggle. ;)

jessi said...

hahaha Jack - that comment makes you slappable!!!

Congrats :)

Unknown said...

I love this list! :) Whoo hoo! Im so happy for you!

I had to come back up to type my jumbled word that it gave me to type in- sometimes they are WEIRD...


Anonymous said...

Fabulous list chicky! Lots to be proud of. Those numbers on the scale are only a small part of the big picture!!

jo said...

Awesome!!! LOVE this list! You rock!!!

M said...

OMG, Simone, isnt it AWESOME without the scale?!

I love your list, Im so happy youre seeing your success! Post it on your mirror!

-Love ya

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

I searched for my scale too, didn't find it, yelled at hubby for hiding it so well, then he yelled at me for looking for it. Damn lol.

Love the list! Good for you for finding the positives love!

arielcircleofnine said...

that list is a wonderful idea,i think i need one too!!! you have made incredible progress, and should feel very proud! Numbers dont mean shiyatt!

Fat[free]Me said...

Great list - time to reward yourself with a nice new hoodie!

Katie said...

Those are some great successes! Congrats!

antgirl said...


Aren't those things better than what the scale has to say about it?

Yippee on the shrinking. It's worth it, huh?

Blue Bird said...

That's a great list! Congrats!! This makes me want to make a list of my own. Great idea! :D

Unknown said...

I had to laugh at #5, but that is true progress! My boobs are so small, it's going to be a while before I get there, lol!
This a great list, and yes, all these things are so much more important than that number on the scale.
So glad to hear you're still going strong!